Age 36, Male
iOS Developer
Chalmers University
Stockholm, SWE
Joined on 6/1/04
YeOldeApple 2009-07-12 20:18:14
I don't want to be that guy that acts like a dick.
But the shading on the heads don't match up with the shading on the bodies.
But still look forward to seeing this.
erixs 2009-07-12 20:18:14 (Updated 2009-07-13 04:19:24)
yeah i know, but instead of putting a lot of time on that detail, which nobody will notice in the real flash for that matter, then i work more on other areas instead. hope that doesn't bum people out.
I don't want to be that guy that acts like a dick.
But the shading on the heads don't match up with the shading on the bodies.
But still look forward to seeing this.
erixs (Updated )
yeah i know, but instead of putting a lot of time on that detail, which nobody will notice in the real flash for that matter, then i work more on other areas instead. hope that doesn't bum people out.