Hi guys,
Just found out that an artwork was submitted inspired by my flash Past Madness which is pretty awesome. Tarantulakid96 did a great job, check it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/tarantulakid9 6/past-madness. Hope it is ok that I use it as my pic.
Unrelated to this, I have submitted a new iPhone App to the App Store and though I would advertise it here by posting a link to it: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/w a/viewSoftware?id=541682647&pageNumber=0&sortOrd ering=1&type=Purple+Software&mt=8.
The purpose of the app is to keep track of Tv Shows and mark what episodes you have seen and what episodes is coming up. I'm really proud of it and it's free so there is no reason why you should't check it out :) Thanks.
Take care, guys!
Jesus shit, you're alive! Seems like a cool app, if I had an iPhone I'd have given it a try.